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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2015 in all areas

  1. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI King Bear 7 Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19626-ksi-king-b3ar-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for)outstanding service level 1 Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) king bear has been there for me since day 1 and is always willing to help others before himself. He is always looking for new ways to help out the division as well as Ksi in general but is always on the job whether or not u need him to. He may be a 7 now but as a gen made a squad split happen in 4 months from quite a low number I can't remember the exact number but thats pretty outstanding to me and if u ever want something done u can take it to him and it'll get done he is truly an outstanding member.
    1 point
  2. ksi kingb3ar 7 is a out standing member because he dos not give in 2 pressers no matter the problem he uses his head be4 acting 2 a problem he knows a lot about the ins and outs of ksi and he has the knowledge 2 know that strength comes with in and when combined with courage will give him the integrity 2 do what's right and what needs 2 be done and when he was a gen he did more than get a squad split 4 shift he made about 95 friends so in other words he cared 4 every member in the squad and became there friend my friend and the best thing about him is when he became a 7 he still made time 4 his friends I cant tell u how many times a friend of mine became a 7 and we lost touch case of there 7 duty's but not b3ar he still made time 4 his friends which is y I think ksi king b3ar 7 should get this award
    1 point
  3. There is a thing bout Bear that I love and that's being a great mentor....he always find a way to help his division grow not only just as a divison but also as a family ...I knew bear since he was a LT and since I met him he grew as a leader in FI... When he became GEN over Shift his leadership had exploded from him ...he built shift from sitting at 50 to getting shift there first squad split ....and also mentoring his officer at that time in shift to help him out.... I'm proud to say that I'm happy that he is my Co FO and I will always have your back and I will be therefor u bro ....
    1 point
  4. Well…I guess I'll start out when B3AR was a Lt. When I first met Bear I saw some potential in him. But I didn't know what he was going to do as a officer. Then when he started putting in work for his squad SHIFT. We knew he was going to be a great leader one. Bear is a person that has always worked his a** off when he needed too. Him and I as Lts were always doing something. Pulling in recruits, orientating, hosting meetings etc. Now let's go to when he went got to CPT. When he got to that spot he basically was the only active officer in SHIFT with just another CPT along his side. Bear as CPT was basically running the squad just didn't couldn't do things that a gen could do obviously. He pushed other other SGTs encouraged them to go out there and do what they needed to do as their rank in the squad. Also, B3AR went out there with his members to get quality over quantity members. B3AR was always doing his best to keep the squad active and doing his best to be an amazing CPT. Once he finally got his Gens spot. The squad was sitting at 50 members with probably only 20 active members, the rest fluff. Basically no officer staff either. He had to train people and see if they could hold that spot. Then he talked to people, worked, recruited, orientated etc. Day in and day out he never gave up as a general. He knew if he gave up he would be leaving an entire squad behind and crumble in pieces. SHIFT was his home and couldn't let that happen. He wanted SHIFT to go the top. Be the best out of the best. So, after a few months of hard work, Shift got a squad split. B3AR hasn't been a CoFo for too long. But he kept working for his div. He's there for every single one of his squads that he's over. He'll help them out with anything that they need. He's always willing to help out any of the squads at any time. He keeps doing what he does and that his working with his division to make it better no matter what it takes.
    1 point
  5. KSI KING B3AR 7 always puts others before himself no matter the rank. I totally believe that he deserves this award. He is a phenomenal leader and a great friend. He makes great decisions and helps out a lot. He got shift up to a squad split with 50 members (half fluff), and very few officers to start, and he did this in 4 months. I think KSI KING B3AR 7 has shaped a lot of our division with his amazing leadership, and nonstop motivation. He never stops until success is reached, and he never, ever half a**es his job. For instance, he could have backed down from his general position in shift at any given time, but no, he never gave up and built shift into a power house. Not only this, but he trained every single officer to be great. Look at KSI Chiggle, he is now a gen, look at killer j, he is now a gen, and look at me, i am now a 1CPT. None of this greatness would have happened if it wasn't for B3AR. As a co-founder, he always knows the right thing to do. All of our division is proud to say that he is our co-founder because of everything he has done for us. He has earned his co-founder position and I also think he has earned this award.
    1 point
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