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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2015 in all areas

  1. LT/Immortal Outlaws KSI Jaikeychan Forums link:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/26428-ksi-jaikeychan/ Reason why they deserve this: Well for starters every time myself or any other 7 or member is in a party with his general you can hear this loud mouth in the background recruiting training or being helpful. Every time you talk to him he's always got a goal or game plan ready something he wants to see out of his squad or division! He's always learning new things, and always sharing what he's learned with other members! If you were down ,this guy is a clown he could turn your frown upside down he's came a long way and takes constructive criticism very smoothly with no hesitation! He takes notes during meetings and workshops and not only gets to know people KSI wise but as well as a personal scale!
    2 points
  2. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIx2Fingers 7 ( Immortal Outlaws/ Founder) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...ksix2fingers-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this -FINGERS! This hard-ass has been getting on me since day one, and has made me a better KSI member and all round person because of it. He is consistently busy and extremely dedicated to this gaming community. Seriously, it's impressive the amount of time and underlying passion this particular individual has bestowed upon this division and this gaming community. Keep on keeping on! Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI OhMyLanta 7 ( Immortal Outlaws/CoFo) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...si-ohmylanta-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Oh my....lanta... Notaguy, Kayla,....she deserves this award and ten more after that. It truly amazes me the amount of hard work and raw passion she puts into this squad to make it fully functional. She is always always always online doing something productive. I cannot count how many times I have gotten nagging yet productive messages down the latter from her telling officers to get on the recruit tag and train people off. I cannot say how many times I have seen her put her own desires aside for a moment and use that spare time instead to do something to better this division. She is definitely one of the reasons that we have a greased well running squad and deserves to be acknowledged as so. Love ya darling!! :D General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI WetWork (General- Immortal Outlaws/Paradox) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/25596-ksi-wetwork/ Reasoning why the deserve this -Where do I start with this guy! First off, if it weren't for his dedication, commitment, and most of all-persistence, I wouldn't even be in KSI to begin with. He got me into this gaming community, and I am sure glad he did. WetWork is the reason that Paradox has prevailed. This squad has seen some ups and downs, but it has nevertheless has been pegged on the back of this fearless leader, and he deserves to be recognized. There isn't a time online in which I don't see him doing something for our squad and community. He is always training, recruiting, mentoring, mending...I mean it truly impresses me the amount of time he dictates toward bettering this squad, himself, and KSI. Don't stop being yourself man, it is being noticed.
    1 point
  3. Captain KSI GreendayFox ( 2ndCaptain - Wicked Intent/Abaddon) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...45-foxy-minion/ Reason: Since Greenday has come into Abaddon she has shown nothing but love for the squad. As her prior Acting Gen as well as her CoFounder over the squad, I've been there to see her flourish from the quiet individual she was, to the hard working, straight edged Captain she is today. She has asserted herself as an all around, incredible asset over here, taking over situations where people tend to give up. She has worked on keeping this squad on the straight and narrow, always volunteering to run game nights, help out members with any issue, and assist in any ordeal that comes in Abaddon's way. I have to say, I'm very proud to call her a friend as well as an officer and look forward to seeing her grow and lead this squad, as we all know she is very capable of doing! Lieutenant Gamertag, Division, Squad: KSI December, Abaddon, Wicked Intent Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...7-ksi-december/ Reason: Much like Greenday, I have been with December since he has entered into KSI. He has become an amazing asset to Abaddon. Whenever an issue arises, he is right there to help defuse and make the situation right. He works hard with running game nights and making sure that every member is involved within the squad. December has a strong dedication to his squad that one wants to see in every single member within KSI, but doesn't. Members like him are far and few in between, and with everything he does, I look forward to seeing him moving up throughout the squad and division as well. I couldn't ask for a better LT.
    1 point
  4. I'd also like to witness for dear ol' Doctor. Mr. KSI Doctor 7 has been an invaluable asset to KSI in Clan Ops, Web Ops and in general. This guy puts in 110% in everything he's involved in. He's helped in a number of IA issues to assist the Seniors & IA Dept with information he's gathered. The guy tirelessly assists with the management of the forums which is no small task might I add. To this end, he's rightfully earned the KSI's forum staff of the year 2014 award! That's really saying something as Luci and the others are great choices for that award as well & pose as legitimate contenders for such a coveted award. He's constantly assisting members from across all edges of KSI to better help them with forums issues, clan ops issues, or even just to play in their game nights. The dude is nothing short of awesome and excellent in everything he applies himself to. There's something recently he's accomplished which hasn't been heard of in quite some time. This guy created a position that more effectively integrates KSI's social media departments which directly resulted in him carving his way into the Board of Directors. Okay, there are many many gaps in everything I just said so allow me to put this into perspective. Doctor has been here for 2.5 years'ish. As a regular member of KSI, he's accomplished much in his career to set himself aside in such a short amount of time. Having never reaching the clan ops rank of director, it speaks VOLUMES that he's just THAT awesome to make his way into the BOD. The dude is prolific in all his duties. He's been on autopilot since anyone can remember. I sincerely believe the time and energy he's put in to better the community and all members he reaches should be recognized and awarded - OS LVL 3. Description of the OS lvl 3 award Given the description and all that KSI Doctor 7 has accomplished, I truly believe this award appropriately suits him and his accomplishments. Not only has he satisfied each position he's filled in KSI, but he's has clearly gone above and beyond earning him several accolades along the way and a respectable following of supporters here in the community who have seen him work first hand. Him going above and beyond is what led him to this point in his KSI career today - Clan Ops Rank of Founder (SH), Senior Forums Mod, Court Judge, Department Head, Social Media Editor (one of a very select few), Public Relations for Web Ops, and finally Chief Department Manager of the BOD. Phew...holy Poop. I do believe he can say if he hasn't done it all by now, he's damn near close lol. Mad +props+ to you twin. You've done a bang up job since the day you joined and you're STILL trailblazing a great positive legacy while being a good role model for the community. Respect.
    1 point
  5. SEARGENT IMMORTAL OUTLAWS Gamertag: KSI x Syther http://www.ksiforums.org/user/26003-wickedisacc/ What can say about this member that we in IO Don't already know about mister annoying ya he gets under our skin and doesn't know when to shut his mouth but he is learning how to control his turrets . And he's improving everyday . There is no one in IO that tries as hard and with as much dedication as Syther does this kid goes out of his way to Do KSI work he hosts workshops he recruits he host game nights he is truly all about his squad and rebuilding it and that is why he was recently promoted to Lieutenant Great job syther we are all proud of you !!
    1 point
  6. Captain KSI GreendayFox - Abaddon WI 2CPT Link to forum account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16245-foxy-minion/ GreendayFox has been awesome. Hands down. She's a leader by her words and actions. As a captain, she has helped run Abaddon and keep it going for the past few months. We couldn't do it without her. She's a SSGT, LT and CPT all rolled into one. No task is too small or too great for her. She works her butt off and never quits. She's an expert at diffusing conflict and solving tough issues wherever they may arise. It's been really great having her as a role model and friend. I'm really excited to watch her future KSI career and see her leadership skills in action. Lieutenant KSI xDr Evilx 7 - Crysis WI 3LT Link to forum account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/25527-ksi-dr-evil/ Dr Evil is an excellent role model for any member of WI. He difuses conflict quickly, does not show favoritism, and is always willing to help out fellow division members. I'm certain he has become a great asset to Crysis. We miss him over in Abaddon but are excited to see the work he does for the division as a Lieutenant. An OP Halo player as well as an awesome Raider on Destiny. Definitely one of WI's star LT's. Sergeant KSI Lady Vadar - Abaddon WI SGT Link to forum account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/27214-ksiladyvadar/ Lady Vadar is a newer member of Abaddon and also a freshly promoted SGT. She shows great maturity in dealing with fellow members as well as in the way she communicates with officers and respects the chain of command. This past month, she's become very active in the squad and among the new recruits. Always including people and helping out where she can, it's been awesome to get to know her. Definitely a role model SGT. I'm very excited to see her career in KSI progress.
    1 point
  7. Captain KSI GreendayFox ( 2ndCaptain - Wicked Intent/Abaddon) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16245-foxy-minion/ Reasoning why they deserve this - When KSI GreendayFox got settled in to WI she started working very hard and learning so much on how this division operates and help growing her Sqaud she went in of Abaddon (destiny sqaud), I seen her grow her sqaud up so fast in recruiting I couldn't keep count on how many recruits messages I got from even though I'm not in her sqaud she has put everything she has in Abaddon and made it so active in such a short amount of time, she is also one of the most active people in now in abaddon and maybe the the most activist one, I see in her a great leader of WI with strength, potential and dedication to WI and her sqaud of Abaddon, she also helps out with members from other sqauds as well if they need help in running gamenights and now recruiting.
    1 point
  8. Captain Gamertag, DIvision, Squad,: KSI VONNER META, Crysis, Wicked Intent Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16509-freelancer-meta/ Reason: Vonner I have known for a very long time now I have heard his stories of how much work he has put in to get to where he is currently being the most active person within his squad is a heavy burden to bear alone, he doesn't even have internet of his own but he still makes it to meetings and gamenights even when someone else should be doing it. He has helped me numerous times he even helped me get some recruits for Abaddon when I was a Lieutenant and he knows I hate recruiting, He has a big hear with nothing but his squad and WI in it this division is lucky to have someone with his dedication and skill. Lieutenant Gamertag, Division, Squad: KSI December, Abaddon, Wicked Intent Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/25647-ksi-december/ Reason: December has been my right hand with me and him running the squad we have been able to get the recruits integrated into the squad and helping members in gamenights and doing the raids it really works well with people needing armor to get further in the game. He has always stuck by me and helped me make choices for the squad we sit talk out the issues and he has helped me see things that I haven't seen in my almost 2 years being in KSI. I couldn't ask for a better partner.
    1 point
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