Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIx2Fingers 7 ( Immortal Outlaws/ Founder)
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...ksix2fingers-7/
Reasoning why they deserve this - Fingers has not only been an amazing mentor to many, but a wonderful leader! He's always very active with each squad, and always makes time to get to know new people! He's stern, but he sure does get the job done! Throw something in his way to try to stop him he will find away to get around it! He's always doing what he can not only for our div, but to help other divisions! He's always there for his div, and he's what makes IO strong! He literately brought this division back from the grave! He's the positive force this division needed, and still needs! This guy is hands down the most amazing, strong willed person I've ever met and I wanna personally thank him for giving us the time and knowledge we needed (: