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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2015 in all areas

  1. I have the pleasure of knowing Doctor and all his awesomeness. When Doctor does something he truly puts his heart into it. He is an amazing forums staff member that is willing to lead his helping hand whenever the time is needed.From the more difficult things to simply hosting a forums workshop getting people set up and active on the forums. He did an amazing job at running the AAP and getting members the awards they deserve. He stays on top of all of KSI social media to make sure we have the freshest news coming out during our big events. I see him as a SGT actively hosting game nights and trainings trying to pass on as much knowledge as he can.He is now a Board member and takes on a whole new work load and is ready to jump head first into it. He truly has a deep down love for KSI and the members. Doctor does so much for KSI and wants nothing back in return. That alone deserves this award.
    1 point
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