I'd like to witness for Master Recruiter, helping hand, and OS LVL 2.
Granted this has only been open for 3 days, I'm pretty surprised this hasn't flooded up. Please allow me to fill in some gaps and explain why this individual is worthy of OS lvl 2. KSI Azrael 7 was recruited back September of 2011. To not make this into a mirror KSI History thread for Az, I'll focus more on 2014. Should the staff desire more information on Az's cumulative accomplishments please feel free to ask. I'll start with OS lvl 2 statement...
As several people have mentioned, Azrael was once Division Leader of Forced Induction. What many don't recall or weren't around for, Az was also among the founding members of this division as well. Coming from Demise DL, when the division split he was brought over along with KSI Veilsix 7 to build up this solid division. Due to family issues and moving cross country, KSI Veilsix 7 ended up leaving KSI which left Az to fill in the gap as the only 7 in a fresh new division right off of a split. Talk about taking on a challenge, this guy was a fairly new 7 as is and then to take on running a division just 2-3 months later is tough....real tough. Reaching the highest rank one can achieve within a division, Az stepped away from KSI for a much needed break, a vacation we could all use at some point.
When Az returned, he was like the old him on crack. The dude was rejuvenated with a serious motivation to prove himself once again. It started with him just wanting to come and help out in Velocity. He trained others how the leadership roles vary from rank to rank but explained how leadership in general has an underlying constant - taking care of your people. Regardless of the rank, Az makes himself available to any and all members (particularly on XBL) to answer questions, be their guide, knock out COD elite wars and any issues there may be. But Az wasn't satisfied with just sitting back and pitching in here and there. Upon being placed into Lotus, a failing squad at the time, by divisional leadership, He kicked it into overdrive by showing FI members how the flub Poop is done around here. Dude busted his ass to bring Lotus FI from 8 no Poop members to 80+, approaching a split in less than 2 months, 60 of which he personally recruited and 4 of which are officers right now (KSINBPxMOVIE, KSI Vonix, KSI Plooger, and I just don't have the time to find the other dude sry). As he was doing all this, he was showing others how the Poop is done and having others recruit as well. He rolled up his sleeves and took the hands on approach to really cultivate this squad into a solid cornerstone of Forced Induction.
As a Co-Founder again in FI, he hasn't lost a bit of that motivation and momentum that got him there for the second time. Mind you, this is a feat in itself - to go from division leader and redo everything to claim the Cofo title again. It's a taxing experience to redo all that made him division leader in the first place. He's the 7 you don't have to worry about. Put him in place and he's on autopilot. Everything you expect a 7 to maintain, he does. He goes to squad meetings still. He's currently mentoring 3 generals across 2 divisions among other members. He's still an active part of FI's "Welcoming Committee" which gets a hold of new members and recruits to give more information about KSI to, game with, and put them into contact with more FI folks and KSI departments. When needed or requested, he attends the weekly division leader meetings in place of KSI Shinobi 7 ( Division Leader, FI) and/or KSI Sm0oth 7 (Founder, FI). Please note, for those of you unaware of this, only the senior most ranked 7 must attend the division leader meetings, however, should circumstances arise, they are to designate someone to attend in their absence. This is nothing new to Azrael, and he's more than capable of delivering the accurate information the Directors and Seniors require on demand at a moments notice. His delivery isn't only because he's experienced, but because he is intertwined with much of what is going on in FI and is THERE when things happen, game nights are hosted, meetings are taking place, promotions occur. He's THERE during the FI divisional meeting where FI 7s and Gens and officers get together and talk about what's going on and what needs to happen (and how to take over the world #pinkyandthebrain). In the spirit of giving back, rewarding, and keeping things interesting, Azrael has dropped over $100 out of pocket for name changes to deserving individuals via tournaments and some on the spot for those looking to commit and move up ranks under his tutelage. However, counting for his entire time in KSI, I can estimate personally he's come up off of about ~$300 since 2011 in MSP cards for others (~$100 in 2014 alone).
The cofo rank can be particularly murky rank in regards to what needs to be done on a regular basis (for those not properly trained). However, for upper leadership, we all recognize how crucial it is to have a cofo locked on as well as ranks below them. That's just what this guy is, once again. Azrael's drive has inspired those around him to pick up the pace and actively contribute as well. I can't tell you how vital it is to have 7s do Poop other than manage and he's doing just that. Under his leadership, others have also received recognition in the form of complimentary comments in posts, pm's, and some even via forum awards. Az's leadership style of "do as I do" has spread like wildfire across the division and many have taken it to heart. I guess you can consider this a positive collateral effect of leading by doing, or indirect mentorship? Idk... however you want to put this into context, it's working and working well.
So what do we have here? A highly active KSI veteran who has made waves before, came back, and is doing it all over again. Pulling bills out of his pocket to facilitate the growing numbers of name changes which ultimately adds competitiveness to officer ranks and other leadership positions. However, the most invaluable commodity is not money or a few kind words here or there. It's one's time. You can't take back time you've devoted to something or someone. You can't get reimbursed for it. Once spent, it's gone. And he's put in some serious quality time with the new FI and everyone is reaping the benefits of his activity. There's much more cumulatively this member has done over the course of almost 4 years of KSI service as I've pointed out. However, this information is what I have amassed over 2014. I'm still surprised he doesn't have this already from anything he's done in previous years.
Granted the above should be sufficient statement for all three awards, I'd like to break down witness testimony to ensure these are divided and accounted for properly.
Master Recruiter:
- I can personally attest to this one without a doubt. Him and I both along with a core group of others banded together to recruit our asses off to recover from FI's early hit of mass fluff removal. Back in late 2012/early 2013 FI cut ties to all fluff. Literally all of it. We picked up on it via meeting attendance & squad tag inactivity and decided to send notices then remove. In that time, even with replacing members who have come and gone, he's easily recruited and assisted in well over 100 recruits. I've been there for the biggest portion of his recruits during this time just as he was usually present during mine. Consider it a dynamic duo of recruiting at the time. If anyone remembers KSI McClaytone (no longer in KSI) who was easily one of the most prominent recruiters this community has had in recent years, you'd understand just how many recruits we mustered together as a team.
Helping Hand:
- There's not much to say for this one unfortunately. KSI Oraclex7 created was is known as "Coporal's Showdown" and we've continued the tradition since its inception. Az has personally contributed and hosted many of these events himself. As mentioned earlier, he's also given some name changes out for those he believed would remain committed and continue up the ranks. These conversations are always fun to be part of. The appreciation members have for receiving something like this never gets old to see. It's fulfilling in its own right. *Side note, Az has contributed ~$200 to members out of pocket before his hiatus and ~$100 since he's been a Cofo. For those of you who recall his financial struggle early 2014, he's managed to overcome that obstacle in life and still find away to make this happen for FI members. Yeh... he's a lifer and will contribute as long as he can.
That concludes my witness statement. Once again, should the AAP staff desire any additional information regarding this post, please let me know. Cheers