Name/Gamertag: Luke/KSIXxDropShotxX
Rank (If applicable): Ssgt
Time spent on the forums (Daily): Anywhere from 4-10 hours.
Experience and Time in KSI: I originally joined a little over 2 years ago, left after a few months, and joined back over a year ago. I have been in KSI ever since, and am constantly on the forums.
Skype (Required to be on Staff): lq2517
Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP and what can you provide for the department? (Please provide details): I feel like I am a very hard worker, and will go out of my way to do anything I can to help out KSI. I am a very quick learner, and am willing to listen to other members to help the department out in any way. I also have a pretty good understanding of the awards system and how it works.