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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2014 in all areas

  1. This doesnt exactly make it clear that he has had a gold ksi gamertag for a year, try rewording it differently if you have seen him with a gold ksi gt for a year Not clear as to if he has had a gold ksi GT for a year. If you havent been in for a year, its best that you dont witness for this award The picture shows this member has had a gold account for a year, doesnt make it clear whether he has a ksi GT for a year I dont want to make it seem like i am making it hard for this member to obtain this award. Just need to be clear, thats all
    2 points
  2. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Unicron, Lotus, FI Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20235-the-joker/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Outsanding Service Level 1, Member Assistance. Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Unicron is always the very first person to step up to the plate at any task, no matter how hard the task may be. He also makes an effort to get to know the members in his squad. He is 100 percent supportive and helpful. From my personal experience, Unicron was a huge help to me when I was experiencing heavy conflict and depression. He works hard and knows how to help in any situation. In my opinion, there is nobody better for these awards.
    1 point
  3. So she has been in KSI for a year but does that mean her tag has always been a KSI tag? Just making sure guys.
    1 point
  4. Member assisstance- I had just become General of a squad and already, i felt overwhelmed. Unicron calmed me down and gave me tips on how to manage things better. It was a great help and it no longer stresses me out when there are things needed to be done. OS lvl1- I have see Unicron helping people out everyday. When i met him, he was driven to help people. I feel like i could go to him with anything if i have an issue or a question and he could help me out with it. He has experience in places that i dont, and his knowledge can help further my knowledge, which can then get passed down beyond that.
    1 point
  5. Unicron was one of the first guys to get me back into the swing of things. He's in a different squad but took it upon himself to make sure I was there at the game nights and meeting some of the new members. I had to step down as General of Nitro, FI but wasn't sure I would be able to get back on track. Wasn't sure it would be worth it, really. I've finally attempted recruiting again whenever I get the spare time. Unicron has proven to me he's reliable and one hell of a guy. In my opinion, that qualifies as Outstanding Service, no doubt.
    1 point
  6. Member assistance- unicron has always been the first person I come to with any problem I got. Whether it be personal or ksi. He basically has every lil bit of knowledge there is to be about KSI. Hes got ALOT of knowledge and experience that some dont know or havent experienced for themselves OS LVL 1. - hes always available for help and capable of it. He had gone out of his way to help out a dying squad along with KSI Azrael 7. The squad was almost down 30 members including fluff. And without Unicrons help, it might not of been rebuilt or wouldve been prolonged ALOT longer to where it is today. Regardless, he 100% put his effort towards everything he did and still does. Never fail. He is grade A leadership material hes dedicated his time and effort since the beginning. The very beginning. He deserves this award because of all of this. I know out of 5000 members that only a fraction are as hardworking as this member. Hes very deserving. And id know as well as plexity. Im a sgt and ex-general too
    1 point
  7. Member Assistance- Unicron Helped me out a ton when I first joined as far as filling in the gaps regarding knowledge and procedure. I take things very literally and am a by the book person but he helped me to find a much more relaxed and enjoyable style of leadership that poured out into my teaching and hosting events. OS LVL 1- He has withstood the test of time, as many have not, as far as sticking with the KSI Global program and waiting lengthy times for promotions. He goes above and beyond and an example of this is when he left his squad to go help out a dying squad that desperately needed help. Along with Azrael, they re-shaped the squad and brought it to close to splitting numbers within a month maybe two with a full officer staff. Most people would prefer to stay in the comforts of their squad and have some sort of security and comfort of mind that they are in a good squad but few would work hard to bring up another squad (especially out of a non selfish reasoning). Another reason he deserves this is due to the way he interacts with the members. I know few people in KSI who have the ability to tell people what needs to be said but do it in the most respectful, non-condescending, and strict/loving manner all in the same package. Because of the amount of disrespect i've seen in the community over my time, I love it when I am able to say I know someone who exemplifies all the qualities that a leader should have. That is important to the nomination because having those qualities is a NECESSITY to doing outstanding work. Unicron has provided name changes to members who could not afford such name change to KSI, he has partnered with me in the past to re-create FI's tournies, he has worked with me and with my previous squad to help build it, he has helped out by being an FI welcoming committee officer as well as hosting welcoming committee events, he has turned to upper leadership to receive guidance and training on how to be better in his position, he has given his time and money to KSI since he first joined and has not stopped since. For a non-profit position I'd say that's pretty outstanding service. I know it is often a sub-concious thing some of us do, but please do not give my witness statement less stature because of the fact that I am a sergeant, I was an ex-general, I know what i'm talking about
    1 point
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