Alrighty, well y'all got the gamerscore hoarder one cleared up, so lets start the ball off with my witness statement!
Howdy everyone, I am KSI GameCrazys' Founder here in LS and I am going to tell you why he deserves the "Out Standing service Level1" Award.
When I first met Game he was a general of about 5 months and was quite sure of himself in his position. He actually came to me due to the TW merge into LS and wanted to know some faces over here before he brought his guys and gals over, first contact scenario y'know. Thats the first thing that stood out to me. Now lets move on to this division merge, this wasnt easy for anyone but Game went above and beyond in his efforts to try and get everyone over.
He spent countless hours making sure people had added the tag, private chatting, friend requesting and dragging people by their hair to the new squad tag. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy for him.
Lets fast forward a few weeks, The mass de-fluffing came around and he was the first general in the division on top of it, going through his squad tag with a mustache comb.
He goes above and beyond his duties and really cares for his squad and his new division. He tries to bring his squad closer to the division by inviting other squads to his gamenights and getting his guys invited to other squads game-nights too.
When it comes to learning new policies and implementing them in this squad he is on top of it, he is a shining example of what a general should be, in his actions and words.
Now lets get to closer times;
Fallen merging into Impulse, not once did Game hesitate with this chain of events. He got on top of it immediately, jumping into the squad tag and getting people on his friends list, getting people onto his squad tag in days. He is a fervent supporter of his squad members. He is dedicated and will spend all of his free time that he can making sure that everyone is happy in his squad and wants to be there, and if not he will get them where they want to be.
Basically to sum up GameCrazy, he is a dedicated, above and beyond going sort of fellow and will do anything possible to help anyone in need.
This is only from what I have seen in the past 3months of him, however I have heard stories from his time in TW and I know there is alot more that can be added to this witness statement from leaders and his officers and members of whom I hope come forth to witness.