Good afternoon KSI. I thank everyone that has been backing on the side of EF in regards to this year's Spirit Week. It does mean a lot to all of us. Please do not complain anymore. We must all understand the tricky yet sometimes difficult decision that our leadership must make for the good of the community. It can be very difficult to see at times but they do what is best for KSI and I for one appreciate all that our leadership does for us. I am proud to be in KSI and especially proud to have been given an opportunity to be apart of the first Xbox One division.
At first, I am not going to lie, I was a bit frustrated but I had to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Many times, we get so caught up in what effects us as individuals and we forget about a much larger aspect such as our entire community. This is what I am asking of all of you, please try to look at the bigger picture as I know 100% our senior leadership has done and will always do for the good of the community. EF is here to stay and is not going away anytime soon.
As we speak, EF is mounting a grouping of individuals, that still have 360 and either CoD Ghosts and/or Halo 4 in an effort to represent our great division in this year's Spirit Week. I look forward to participating it the games/matches and just to have fun with the rest of this fine community. Once again, thank you for all of your concerns. This community ROCKS!!!