so, ill put my statement in. i was away for maybe 3 days, and i came back and i saw that we (memories) had merged with echo, as soon as i came back, scotland was right there answering my questions of why and what. now skip to a while back, he assisted me in getting my officer promotions and giving me tips on how to get as high in the ranks as possible. now a week or so ago, i put in a leave of absence request, that was turned down by sinister, who told scotland to put me as a SGT until my desired date, 8/9/14, and he will waive my usual wait promotion time down to about 2 weeks, as he heard from scotland that i will want to still be an officer. he has helped me with a lot of things, many more than what i have said, and i just cant put it all on a page. thats my two cents.