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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2014 in all areas

  1. He changed it right away I would say towards the end of June and that would be June of last year
    1 point
  2. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Pinky 7 (Founder of TW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16558-mrspinkalicious/ Reasoning why they deserve this - The fact that Pinky is able to handle being on AAP staff, TnE staff, News team, Training committee head, Welcoming committee head, TW Historian, AND being able to handle a Founder's position is mind-blowingly impressive and for that alone she deserves this award. However being able to communicate with so many members, constantly train and mentor members, and even have time to mentor my self is crazy impressive. She is a great leader, she motivates everyone to do their best, shes talked members into staying in KSI, makes everyone feel welcomed, and is constantly working to help others. She is a selfless leader who goes out of her way each and everyday for KSI. Not to mention she leads TW with one other 7 and basically has kept that division together through the good and the bad. She is the prime example of what it means to be one of the hardest working members in KSI. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sm0oTh 7 (Cofounder-FI) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15541-ksi-sm0oth-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - One of the biggest reasons Smooth deserves this award is that he gets everything accomplished with complete accuracy and as fast as he possibly can. One of the biggest irritants is having to wait for something to be done, but with Smooth there is virtually no waiting time because he will drop everything just to do what you asked, something that not many of us do 24/7 like he does. He makes sure everything he does is flawless and to the point with extra attention to detail whether it is constantly training leaders and future leaders of KSI or even recruiting and orientating that he will do. A co-founder should know everything about the squad he or she is over and should give advice to help better the squad, while this is what smooth does, he makes sure to go the extra mile to form relationships with as many members from all of the squads in the division as possible. There is no such thing as I'm a 7 so I don't have much time for you because Smooth makes time for everyone. He handles issues, games with, and mentors members across our division, not just in his respective squads. A good member will preform the duties that is required of his or her rank, but a great member will preform the duties of or at least learn the rank above them within the rules and boundaries KSI has. That is exactly what Smooth does. This is all from personal experience of rank shadowing him and being around Smooth, first hand witness. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Alonemula (General - FI/Velocity) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20623-ksi-alonemula/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Mula was recently thrown into Gen with little to no notice beforehand. He accomplished the task of General like a pro, leading us to what is about to be our squad's second squad split ever. With the first one led by smooth when he was general. Mula motivates our members to achieve great things and the squad split nearing is direct evidence of this. The fact of his abrupt being thrown in as General and him being able to preform the duties of the rank so well makes him deserve this award.
    1 point
  3. Name: KSI MADBALL 7 Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums...782-fancy-lion/ Award-/-Achievement: Co-Founder of the month Reason-/-Evidence: Madball has helped out TW more than you can imagine. He has helped us with any problems we have and helped us stick around. He is the Co-Fo over the Halo squads in TW, but still had time to help me out in impulse which is a ghosts squad. The whole officer core was having issues and thinking about leaving and impulse wouldve been screwed for a while, but he expressed great leadership and was there when we needed him. Shout out to Madball 7 for his amazing Co-Fo work.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
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