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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2014 in all areas

  1. I witness on behalf of Pinky 7 for this award because without her this Div. possibly would have Fallen!! I have worked hand in hand with her for months on fixing issues as well as dealing with drama amongst members! She definitely fills out multiple roles here in TW and puts in more Hard work than anyone I've ever seen in this Div.! She always reflects us in a positive light and in turn our members do the same!! And HRS. logged......I don't think I could count the amount of time spent with members and just general work to fix what was broken over here!!! I just wanna thank her for never letting us down!!! And never giving up on TW!!!! You rock Pinky!!!
    2 points
  2. I'll witness for Pinky <3 she is the most committed, loving and caring person that I've ever seen or heard of in KSI. She has stayed up with me on into the early morning hours when i was gen of Nemesis during the time when members left and went to the other ksi just to help me keep the members from leaving on multipe occasions, even with other squads she has done the same.Through all the stuff that her div TW is going through, even the stuff that I put her through, she just shrugs it off or deals with it. She has stayed up till the early morning hours to get things fixed or done at the risk of her own health, if thats not die hard enough than I don't know what is. Also she just keeps going on and fighting to keep her div and KSI fun, the reason why we became a part of this family. There is very few people in KSI that deserve this award and shes one of them.
    2 points
  3. I witness for pinky 7, she has helped in some many situations, and in her division of TW , she has encourage so many of her people and helped them in anything and any issues, she was there in the times of killjoy was having problems and she didn't give up she kept going and now killjoy is growing again, she is devoted to her division so much, in all times ever since she was recruited.
    2 points
  4. With spirit week coming up in a few weeks there was no mention of the xbox one Division. How is a whole Division going to be left out of spirit week? Lets get the ideas flowing on involving them in spirit week like having a day for them witch there are many members within KSI that have both platforms,
    1 point
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