KSI Pinky 7 TW Founder
Silver Outstanding Service lvl 2
The reason I am nominating Pinky for this is because of how much time and love she dedicates to KSI & making sure TW is running the best that it can. She has constantly gone above and beyond the call of duty. She spends time trying to go to members game nights, as well trying to host her own so that members can from all over KSI can have fun and game with her. She constantly stops what she is doing in her personal life and gets online to help with any issues any time she's needed, she is constantly talking with our members & trying to keep them having fun & involved. All of our members love getting to hang out with her for a while. She is constantly working and finding new ways if not getting new ideas to make TW alot better and more fun the way a family should be. She is awesome and not only I can but others also see her going to the top here in KSI <3