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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2014 in all areas

  1. i witness for both (Member Assistance)- ive personally had him in parties and had him help mambers with problems they have had i cant remember specific time but i have seen him go out his way to help anyone who asks him for it. (Outsanding service)- Nighthawk is one of the most die hard KSI members i've seen if hes not out recruiting helping his squad with numbers. He is doing gamenights trying to get new members introduced to other KSI and when hes not doing all that hes here on the forums like a madman so in my opinion he is one of the most deserving of this award.
    1 point
  2. I want to witness for the Outstanding Award. Nighthawk deserves this great award. When he was in Recoil, he worked his butt off to help the other officers and members. He is always on the forums. He showed his dedication to TW and KSI by offering to go to another squad that was desperate for help. Since he has been over there, he has turned that squad around. He is always holding game nights and workshops. I believe that Nighthawk should get this award.
    1 point
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