1. Have you ever participated in a weekend warfare tournament or a tournament hosted by T&E? Yes
2. When you did participate in the tournament, how did you hear about it? Was it via messaging on xbox, or from looking it up on the WW web site? From squad tag message
3. Do you like the current WW site or do you think the site is confusing to use? I think its a great site but members in my squad feel it is to complicated
4. Do you think T&E should host more tournaments on the weekends with WW or should there be more tournaments on the weekdays? I think it should be both on week days and week ends so everyone has a chance to participate
5. What types of tournaments do you like to play in? The fun type tournaments or the competitive MLG tournaments? I like both types It is good to mix it up and get everyone involved so no one feels left out
6. What games would you like to see be played in tournaments for WW or for T&E?We always see COD or Halo why not through some sports games or racing games in the mix Defiantly need a Zombies tourney in the mix
7. What types of prizes would you like to see introduced into WW or T&E tournaments? MS Points , KSI Gear as well as forums award