After looking back and seeing that the nominee was just awarded for OS lv1 and awarded.
I cant bridge the jump from 2-3 while knowing which each award above LV1 actually stands for.
Its not like an award where the levels are like representations of how many times you were nominated for that award. theyre pure service brackets in a sense where you have to be exceeding even yourself to be notice for an award like the one above the other.
So in that case my vote is a No for now.
At least for the OS awards.
The rest still stand
Witness-Respect to KSI DC SNIPER 6 Hes why im so strong with KSI. He gave are squad life when it was dieing, now we stand Proud and strong. He is the Life of HD. He helped so many of us to keep on going, keep recruiting, training, trying to move up to show how much they learned from DC SNIPER. Keep up the work DC we believe in yay.