Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Jezrein 7
Co-Division Leader
Last Strike
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
This post will not do this man any justice, so before I start, I apologise.
Where do I begin.. Well I suppose the start is always a good place!
When I first joined KSI, Jezrein was that scary Co-Fo who was kicking ass, and keeping everyone in line, that was when I was a Sgt. Now I am a 1st CPT and he is the Co-Div.
He has made me see reason more than once, when I have disagreed with my general, co founder and founder. His attitute towards his divisional members "squaddies" (as I call them) is phemominal. Even when someone interupts his conversations, who has also broke the chain of command by going to him with a small issue, he will listen to the issue before sending them away to the proper person.
Now I have a great deal of respect of this man. He has brought the division back from a bad place, his experiance and guidiance has influenced us all in squad leadership posisitions and whether we like it or not we can see it.
KSI Jezrein 7 has gone above and beyond with his KSI career and I beleive he should have recognition for what he has acheived and continues to strive to acheive.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Shivah 7
Last Strike
Echo, Memories
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
You have to ask? My goodness I shall have to set this right!
KSI Shivah 7 is my rock in KSI, i honestly have so much to say about this woman I could spend the rest of the week typing and still have more to say!
I'll start off by saying this: She is the most hard working Co Founder I have seen and heard of. My personal day to day interactions can attest to this claim. I have known her for 3months now. She has been my general and now my co founder. She has gone out of her way to teach and and nurture everyone under her, the time and care she puts into every individual is absolutely astounding!
From day one in my KSI career I have been looking up to her and essentially trying to make my standards like how she had hers. She is my moving goal, I am aspiring to do all that she has done. That is how much she inspires me.
When I give my speeches in workshops for SGTs and LTs, I use alot of phrases, they always ask me, where did you learn all of this? My answer is either A. Shivah or B. The forums.
Every time I get given a situation to handle, its 9/10times what she has taught me, that helps me get through it with everything ending well and everyone being happy.
This is someome who makes a massive impact on everything she does, now she is in Divisonal leadership, I cant wait to see what impact she has, we can already see her influence upon generals to do their best and continue to aspire.
I cannot wait to see how far she gets in KSI, personally I have the utmost faith in her ability and beleive it will get her to places I can only dream of at this point!
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Camp Nation
Last Strike
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
What can I say about this guy? Well from his promotion to 4rd captain he led the squad legend on his own for a couple of weeks and kept it afloat. He has risen to the greatest challenge a captain can possibly walk into, especially being a pretty fresh faced captain. I wish I could have helped this guy in his fight for his squads survival. He is a genuine nice guy and I have the most respect for him as a fellow captain in my division.
If Camp ever called on my help at any point, I would definatly make time for him.
He should be recognised for the challenges he has risen to in his time as a captain.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI TheDoughnut
Last Strike
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
I call this individual "Jelly". He deserves this award because as a Lt he was THE model example. I have been told I was like him when I was a Lt.
He never left anything undone and was so consistent in his work. He inspired others to work hard and try to aspire like him. He taught me some of my KSI knowledge that I pretern to this day.