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KSI MsCheddarBob Multiple awards (Awarded)
KSI MsCheddar 7 reacted to KSI Noob xD for a topic
Ms cheaderbob has done aremarkable job in ksi nd in es she has helped train and recruit people into es . She works hard to keep everybody on their feet and helping tthem. She worked for the award and i think she deserves it1 point -
KSI MsCheddarBob Multiple awards (Awarded)
KSI MsCheddar 7 reacted to Hypermofo64 for a topic
mschedar is a great general always there for her squad and always has fun with the squad but also keeps them in line for what to do in different situations1 point -
KSI MsCheddarBob Multiple awards (Awarded)
KSI MsCheddar 7 reacted to KSI xReflex for a topic
MsChedarBob is a reliable source of KSI. She is always using her free time to help our members when needed. She treats every member with respect. She is pushing strong for a 2nd push after her 1st one. She definitely deserves these awards and many others!1 point -
KSI MsCheddarBob Multiple awards (Awarded)
KSI MsCheddar 7 reacted to ashade1234 for a topic
i witness of miss chedderbob all awards well as long as i been around ksi she has made me better at the game and one of the best leader i have the plesher of playing with she is the best i would follow her to war any day1 point -
KSI CheddarBob7 multiple awards (Awarded)
KSI CheddarBob7 reacted to Guest for a topic
Cheddarbob has been one of many great leaders to become director. Amazing leader with great care for his members. This man impresses every member he gets involved with. Keep doing your amazing work you are set to do amazing things here.1 point -
KSI SECONDWIND Multiple Awards Nomination (Awarded)
KSI Taywick 77 reacted to KSI Mystique 77 for a topic
Member Assistance: 0/3 witnesses. Mentor: 5 members who claim SECONDWIND as their mentor. O.S. Lv. 1: Descriptive witnesses please.1 point -
AAP Of The Month: October 2013 Nominations (Closing November 11th)
Miss Queen Bee reacted to Khaleesi for a topic
KSI Heero 7 (Division Leader/TW) - Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-sage-mode-naruto/ Reasoning why they deserve this – KSI Heero 7 is one of the main reasons most of the upper leadership here in TW is still here. When we all get stressed out or frustrated, Heero helps us see the good in ourselves and is always quick to show us how we can calm ourselves down and fix situations. Even though Heero has an excessive amount of duties, he always is up for playing with new members and makes sure that he meets everyone he can here in TW. He helps out new members and make sure they all feel welcome and are not left alone. We here in TW, are lucky we have Heero. We couldn’t ask for a better Division Leader. Heero is simply the best! KSI Sworn 7 (Co-Division Leader/TW) - Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7662-%C3%A4lph%C3%A4%CF%89m%C3%ABg%C3%A4/ Reasoning why they deserve this – KSI Sworn 7 is a key example as to what a good KSI member looks like. He’s always kind to every member he meets and never shows anyone and type of rudeness. He’s always helping me out when my general duties become too stressful and is quick to help out any member in any situation. Sworn is always eager to play minecraft and halo with the squads that enjoy it even though he doesn’t exactly excel himself. We’re all proud of how far Sworn has come and can’t wait to see more good things come from him. KSI Payton 7 (Founder/TW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3148-voljin-darkspear/ Reasoning why they deserve this – KSI Payton 7 is a prime example of someone who goes above and beyond for KSI. He is completely dedicated to this community and everyone in it. I honestly haven’t ever saw someone in KSI that was dedicated to this community like Payton is. He’s proud to be in KSI, proud of where he’s gotten, and proud of the person he’s become. Payton is one of those rare examples of people here in KSI that genuinely cares about the people in his division. He knows almost everyone here, and is respected by everyone. He knows how to have fun, but also knows when it’s time to step in and have some authority. Which overall, has gained the respect of everyone here in TW. Payton knows an extensive amount of knowledge about KSI and is always eager to share it with everyone. Payton is a prime example of an overall amazing person here in KSI. I’m personally so proud of everything he’s done, and can’t wait to see more come from him. KSI Legal 7 (Co-Founder/TW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9487-ksi-legal-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Ever since Legal became Co Founder over Killjoy, he’s been going over the top to help us out and play on Halo 4, even though he’s a Call of Duty player. He’s been helping me personally improve Killjoy and has been helping my own members too. Legal has been kicking butt and helping out dramatically. I’m really happy with what he’s doing and I can’t wait to see what else he’s going to do to help us out. KSI Terrors (General/Recoil/TW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15895-ksi-terrors/ Reasoning why the deserve this – KSI Terrors is a shining example of someone who is dedicated to KSI. I constantly am admired by his dedication during our general meetings when he gives us a good 10 minutes speech on how well his squad is doing while other squads give 30 second speeches. Terrors is always playing with his members as well as trying to meet other members and be a better KSI member altogether. His head is always level and he’s quick not to be temperamental with anyone. I can’t wait to watch Terrors go above and beyond and become an amazing leader someday. KSI Carmenia (1st Lieutenant/Killjoy TW) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17772-carmeniamarie/ Reasoning why they deserve this – I’m really happy with everything KSI Carmenia has been doing lately. She’s been going above and beyond with everything and I can’t wait to see what else she accomplishes. She posts our squad meeting notes on time, and is always there to welcome people into our squad. She’s definitely kicked it up in this past month with officer duties and has shown her authority while still being sweet Carmenia. I’m incredibly proud of her and can’t wait to see what else she does1 point -
KSI Cheddarbob7, OS lvl 3, Dark Legions /story Okay, I'm sorry, please allow me to elaborate. I can also witness for Bob's OS lvl 3 nomination. This guy came over to Dark Legions when they were down in the dumps. This once POWERHOUSE division had been hit, poached, and pillaged so frequently in such a short period of time there was wonder whether or not they'd be merged into another division! They were hurting badly and were in serious need of a fresh leader to come in and devote the attention DL needed and truly help rebuild it from the ground up. This is work no leader WANTS to do necessarily, unless you're a masochist He came in, sleeves rolled up, and focused. His motivation, dedication, and determination was an inspiration to the division after realizing, HEY HE'S NOT SLOWING DOWN! This is a leader who will not shy away from getting dirty, but rather embraces it as he's clearly proven with his PHENOMENAL miracle he pulled with Dark Legions. DL is where I came from and it saddened me to see how far they took a turn for the worst. As I pestered him saying if you need anything ask, put me to work, ,what can I do for you... he simply replied, "It's all good Doc. It's just going to take a little time. I got this." I respect that, and carried on pacing back and forth like a worried father over looking a surgery on a child. Sure enough, he pulled it off. Not only did he bring the division back from the brink of death, but HE SPLIT IT like fruit ninja HOW might you ask? Bob is the Poop that's how. He personally groomed members to become leaders, trained his ass off, assisted with recruiting, and killed all residual drama that remained. He PROTECTED the reborn DL from further security issues to the utmost of his ability and is still working his ass off to this day for the same issues. This guy is vigilant and refuses to shy away from security issues but rather addresses them head on. - Oh yes sir, I've been watching you. Very closely. I know about your 'my little pony' pajamas The guy is simply amazing to have the testicular fortitude to walk into a Poopstorm, stop it from Poop'ing everywhere, and bring out the sunshine and puppies. That's a feat in itself. DL needed him, and he was the perfect fit. Yet with all the effort and energy he put into the division, he has yet to waver in motivation. The guy has some scary endurance to say the least, and yes that's what she said... I overheard1 point
KSI MsCheddarBob Multiple awards (Awarded)
KSI MsCheddar 7 reacted to KSI CheddarBob7 for a topic
Member Assistance: 1/3 Trainer: Yes Mentor: 5 witnesses who claim her as their mentor.1 point -
KSI MsCheddarBob Multiple awards (Awarded)
KSI MsCheddar 7 reacted to •••ES Creator••• for a topic
Name: KSI MsChedarBob Wicked Eternal Souls Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13790-ksi-mschedarbob/ Award-/-Achievement: Member Assitance Trainer and Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: KSI MsCheddarBob has been doing a great job as general of wicked and she is always there for her members she definitely deserves these awards1 point