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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2013 in all areas

  1. I witness both of these awards to KSI Sweetpea. I have seen her grow into where she is today from the first day she was brought in by her brother and good friend of mine, KSI Sad Tempah. In all of my time in KSI, she is the first I have ever seen with so much life and spirit. How can anyone oppose that, but to rally with her? She is very much determined to build Venom, WI, and KSI up to greater heights. Her character and motivation rubs off on members in KSI, making them want to try and work for something not because they have to, but because they very want to. No matter the situation or problem, either you go to her or she will come to you and will help in any way possible until it is resolved and everyone is happy. She is very much like a mother to us all; making sure we are all having fun, staying track of things and on top of them, problems need not be present, and that we are all looking out for one another. As her Co-Founder, I am very proud of her work.
    2 points
  2. I will witness to the above nominations, KSI Sweetpea has been simply outstanding like the award says. Everytime she gets online she is constantly finding ways to get Venom active and growing. She is constantly looking for people to recruit on Halo and even looks for recruits for the WI COD squads when she plays Black Ops 2. She doesn't just care for Venom, she cares for WI and all of KSI. She sends out mulitple messages everyday to help inform Venom and any KSI member on her friends list what is going on in the world of KSI. She is a leader and she doesnt even have the ability to speak which is truly remarkable. Just by entering a party, she gets the respect she deserves simply because she cares. Like she says all the time, ALWAYS CARE, and she follows that. Her activity on the forums makes it look like she is a forum mod and the face of Wicked Intent. She constantly motivates our members and makes sure every member is feeling welcomed. She is not afraid to be be outgoing eventhough she doesnt have the ability to speak. Just yesterday, she hosted a WI FFA for T&E, Pillow Theater Night for PBM group, helped her HH captain run HH practice, and also went recruiting. She just wants to be involved and help out any way, shape, or form. She is the meaning of "Outstanding Service".
    1 point
  3. I can witness to both of these awards. She does amazing work in her squad, sending out many messages to everyone, participating in many gamenights, even those hosted by other divisions. She does help out her members plenty of times and continues to do so.
    1 point
  4. I witness KSI SweetPea for outstanding service and member assistance because she has helped people all over KSI to the best of her abilities I haven known her long but from what I've seen she has helped Venom so much since she's joined I look forward to seeing her prosper and move forward good job SweetPea I'm rooting for ya
    1 point
  5. Name: (KSI Sweetpea-/-Venom-/-WI Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15634-sweetpea/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Level 1, Member assistance Reason-/-Evidence: Oh My Gosh where to start so many awesome things to say about this awesome valuable KSI member well i can fairly say that every SINGLE day KSI Sweetpea sends out a while bunch of messages out to her friends either reminder messages Divisional messages or up coming workshops and tournaments shes the type of person anyone would love to have in there squad shes always on top of things gamenights, workshops,meeting, tournaments you name it. Shes always motivating members in her squad to go out to recruit in recruiting lobbies helping new members and current members to get on the forums and bring activity up in the forums. Plus in addition to everything she does in clan ops shes always on the forum shes like the queen bee of the forums the shoutbox wouldnt be as awesome sauce as it is if it wasnt for sweetpea she makes me want to be online on the forums more and shes informing people that need help on the forums about everything shes even member of the month im very suprised she doesn't have these awards yet shes the sweetest pea ever
    1 point
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