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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2013 in all areas

  1. With my personal experience, I know she is always sucked into drama. She joined around the same time as me back in early 2012, and boy it was insanity with her. She believes what she wants to believe and she will fight for it. Between fighting for her rank in KSI when she was my major and was willing to do whatever it takes to get it back, to when members spread rumors about her and she went ballistic, crushing the rumors, and had a 'nice chat', to when she fought to get back into our division SH after she was transferred out by a CoFo's order. I've heard MANY rumors about her from other members as well when she did this or that, when she heard those rumors, she would go ballistic on the person who started it. But yes she is a hard worker in ksi when she triesand still is an amazing friend. She is most deserving of this award!
    1 point
  2. The doc is awsome he has always been there for me even at 5am when I cant sleep and he is always teaching me new and,amazing,things about ksi
    1 point
  3. You haven't stated if he has mentored/helped personally you. So mentor is still at 3/5 Come on I know Doctor deserves this, lets get 2 more witnesses for 'Mentor' =D
    1 point
  4. witnessed Jiggy has done so much for Phoenix, its crazy from getting recruits to training to being the best out there! This guy had been through the best in SH and has done so much to help SH grow as a whole If any thing i would touch his butt...a lot
    1 point
  5. He holds training class for clan-op/web-ops all the time. He trains new recruits and is just there to help out. He should get this
    1 point
  6. Ohhh yes the the S$)t that come with her is a lot. She is a great person and helps out when she can. The drama that comes with her is up there. This reward is named for her. Please give it to her for all the poop that she has been Through
    1 point
  7. Since jiggy has come back to KSI. He has only tryed to help and lead us all in the right way. He has help doc out with his squad with training and game nights. I know a lot of people look up to him. I know he has been around for a long time and has/ still gives his all to KSI. It would be a big shame if he does not get this. Frozen out
    1 point
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