On my Behalf I am the General of Demize in DL.
KSI CheddarBob7 has shown great leadership skills, academic knowledge of KSI as well as answered every question I have approached him with, when the going got tough he was there. He is within my Respects list- And in a personal note on my Mentor's list (however I don't have enough room to put all my mentors). As far as training + recruiting and commitment. He excels everything that I'd ever look for in a Founder of a Division that is my home. I've joined KSI back in 11-28-2012 and have heard nothing but GREAT come from this Dedicated Founder. On a more Quality work that I've seen from Mr Cheddar. I couldn't expect anymore, he has fulfilled everything that I ever needed to know to help not only MY squad succeed, but also Fellow Squads (Such as- Wicked, Undead) all under DL. With that being said I am Witness to his UTMOST performance with regards to these awards, and would GREATLY appreciate seeing him receive noble tokens of not only US (in this forum) but KSI's Gratitude and Appreciation for his work he has given out to our community and our members. On my behalf soon to be Cofo of DL (over Wicked/Demize) I would like to be Witness in his awards received. Thank you everyone who's taken the time to read this.
~KSI TrimHarbor1 - Demize DL Gen~