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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2013 in all areas

  1. SR. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxApocalypse7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...sixapocalypse7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - He has been leading this community and helping and leading the leaders to be prepared for the future. This member truely cares and is constantly looking for opportunities to help. The other night Apoc was helping me handle and issue that should have never went past me, but unfortunatly the issure just kept going up the chain of command. Director 
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xVICIOUSx 7 (DIR - AV, EO, FG)
 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...2-awesomeness/
 Reasoning why the deserve this - xVICIOUSx 7 deserves this award because he is an amazing asset to this community. His knowledge of KSI and how it operates and more importantly how to keep it operating smoothly is incredible. He is currently hosting a 101 Leadership Course and is director of divisions that are growing not just in numbers but in knowledge of operation. There's not enough room to write about everything Vicious has done for myself and our Division. I still remember when I was just a Sergeant and always going to him and every other officer at the time trying to figure out what to do so I could move up in Rank ..what I needed to learn. V has been beside me every step of the way ! I don't know where i would be in this community if it wasn't for Vicious and Drac and for that i praise both of them for the Leadership skills they have given me not only in KSI but outside of Xbox also. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI DRACULE VII Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6409-ksi-dracule-vii/ Reasoning why the deserve this -KSI DRACULE VII deserves this award because he is an amazing asset to this community. His knowledge of KSI and how it operates and more importantly how to keep it operating smoothly is incredible.There's not enough room to write about everything DRAC has done for myself and our Division. I still remember when I was just a Sergeant and always going to him and every other officer at the time trying to figure out what to do so I could move up in Rank ..what I needed to learn.Drac has been beside me every step of the way ! I don't know where i would be in this community if it wasn't for Drac and Vicious and for that i praise both of them for the Leadership skills they have given me not only in KSI but outside of Xbox also. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI magikpok 7 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7610-ksi-magikpok-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this -He puts so much effort on everything he does an he keeps going. Magik goes above and beyond the expectations as a leader. He does everything and puts in as much dedication and effort as there needs to be. He's always there to help out any and every member possible that comes to him with a question. Gamertag (Rank, Division/Squad): KSI Kandy, General, Atomic EO Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...9296-ksi-kandy/ Reasoning why they deserve this: She deserves this award because of her excellent leadership skills, the way she handles diverse situations in the squad/KSI, and how she has made Atomic what it is today, with many active members, and holds many tourneys to give away MSP for GT changes. She is active with her squad, always there for them, in parties and games. She took on the task of rebuilding their HH team from nothing, and turning it into an active functioning team. She works with her members on becoming officers in the squad, and productive members of KSI. I have personally witnessed each of these events, and know she is deserving of this award. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Unbounded Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7651-ksi-unbounded/ Reasoning why the deserve this -This guy right here has been with me since we were apart of TW. He has been doing a freaking awesome job and great asset to this division. He is always there for members within his squad and within the DIV as a whole. Unbounded by far deserves this award. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI jBattle Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10684-jbattle/ Reasoning why the deserve this - J battle is in our Halo squad, He has been an amazing member for our division and our squad. He does so much for members even on the forums. J battle is very active on here writing out things that can help the squad out and knowledge within.
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