I'd like to see similar tournaments ran for reg members as well, but for now since this hasn't been done yet, we should really focus on knocking this one out the park with head hunters. Using HH's to break the ice on tournaments of this nature may breed more similar tourneys later on, but that likely won't happen if this project goes belly up. If everyone is on board, we should concentrate our efforts on making this a successful tournament before jumping ahead and tackling on more than we can manage at once.
I completely agree that there should be an HHL. Otherwise...what are HH's really for? I think with the March Madness idea, and possibly HHL (great idea btw) we'll breed more activity, camaraderie, leave the petty issues behind and get back to gaming. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a gander at those HHL rules & your ideas sounds like something that was overlooked or didn't receive enough support to take off.