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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2013 in all areas

  1. KSI DOCNESS 7 / KSI FI FOUNDER http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2253-ksidocness7/ Award-/-Achievement: OUTSTANDING SERVICE LVL 1 & LVL 2 Reason-/-Evidence: Doc was my GEN back when I was recruited into Demise almost a year ago. He has been my mentor since the day I was promoted to GEN. I cannot think of one member in KSI more deserving of recognition for his service to this wonderful community. He is my mentor (and a mentor to many others as well) and someone I owe so much of my success to. Doc gave me the confidence to found and run the ASC Dept. He has been a steadying influence on me personally as a GEN and every DIV he has been in. When Demise fell, he was integral in bringing it back. When FI was struggling, he willingingly took on the task and responsibility of helping to stabilize an entire division with his wisdom and firm yet fair attitude. He not only takes an interest in the success of his own DIV but of numerous others as well. He never forgets his former officers and I know personally (since many are still very good friends) he encourages us all. Doc is maybe the MOST dedicated KSI member I've come across. His responsibility to the Marines never stops him from coming back stronger and providing his clear vision and cool head. More personally, when I lost my father Doc took a personal interest in my well being, helping me out and always providing a kind word. I consider Doc to be the model of a KSI leader and one of its most important assets. I truly can say I can think of no one more deserving of this recognition.
    1 point
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