There was not a training curriculum that told a member what to say and how to say it. that didn't exist. and there certainly was not one that benefited MOST of KSI. maybe a rough guideline here and there per division, but one that was across most of KSI and as complete? Apparently what i wrote is/was such a good idea that is went farther than ever.
The idea was for there to be a comprehensive guide that ANY member, regardless of level of knowledge, could take and use to effectively and properly recruit. Show me one that did it as well and as completely before mine.
I also find it curious that a recent modified version of "Game Night" got a yes from all of you for Bright Idea, without any hesitation, but a complete reworking of the recruiting process that had been effectively improving KSI for almost a year is getting a no. As well as a radio station idea that doesn't even encompass KSI as completely. If you are going to have a standard, then keep it the same.
Hot Topic has to be a no though because none of the postings reached the "Hot" status...