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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2011 in all areas

  1. Seeing as i know for a fact that this statement is false, i'm gonna ask that you get people from each of the divisions you've mentioned in that post to shoot me a pm vouching for your "achievements". You've never been in LE (at least not in the past 2 years) and we've only just hit 400 for the first time in the past 2 years this past november/december. That was all the hard work of my division and i do not appreciate you taking credit for their work. To be sure, i've spoken to hitman, spaz and lucky who make up the last year of div leaders and have been in LE for much longer and they confirmed you've never been in LE. To be sure we are clear, i want credible members who were in the division at the time of your involvement to vouch. Not people you know and have heard of your achievements. We all know how you have a tendency to exaggerate.
    0 points
  2. *Senior Leader of the Year - - KSI Chaos 7- Out of all the senior leaders in KSI history, Chaos is probably the second best (behind only fuzzy) he is always doing his job and still finds time to play with any member he can. *Director of the Year - N/A *Division Leader of the Year - KSIxApocalypse 7- From the great job he did in RI with me through all the training and hard stuff I made him do he has become a greattttt leader. He has really stepped up and become one of the best division leaders I have seen. *Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - - N/A *Founder of the Year - N/A *Co- Founder of the Year - n/a *General of the Year - n/a *Major of the Year - n/a *Captain of the Year - n/a *Lieutenant of the Year - n/a *Member of the Year - KSI Exodus XXVI - I have seen many good members and leaders in my 4 years. But I have come across few who when your squad takes multiple hits you can come out and continue building and working like nothing happened. I personally helped training exodus a little bit lol and he has done a great job *Recruiter of the Year - (this posts legitimacy is being looked into, DO NOT EDIT ANY CONTENT) Yes I edited it... Got a problem? We can still discuss what was listed but since some people wanna contest it I will remove it.
    0 points
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