*Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Chaos 7, he always has a way of making people understand and helping them to grow and become better as leaders and members.
*Director of the Year - KSI QueenJess 7, she is the mama and has a knack for calming situations and helping people open up to other's ideas.
*Division Leader of the Year - KSIxAPOCALYPSE7, created Dark Legions and in a matter of months brought it to Flagship status, to include a high percentage of DL members having KSI gtags, excellent security measures, and high morale throughout the division. Though other divisions may be larger, none show the same level of growth while also mainaining the security of KSI and enforcing high standards for recruiting. Even when he didn't have the title of Division Leader, he still lead The Dark Legions Division from obscurity to undeniable success.
*Co- Founder of the Year - though this may seem a bit out of line, I am nominating myself for CoFo of the year. During my time in KSI, I have written a standard for recruiting that was then used to set the bar for recruiting for two different divisions, resulting in hundreds of members being recruiting in a much more consistant fashion than before. I have consistantly aided members with XBL time cards and MANY 1600msp cards to help members change names/purchase new content. I have spent several hours on a daily basis resolving disputes between members, training members in recruiting/training standards, enforcing the standards of KSI, raising the morale of members, and just in general being xApoc7's right hand man helping to hold his division together. Also, I have never backed down from calling out my higher ups when they have over stepped their bounds and become inappropriate to the point of demoralizing members (both in clan and web ops) regardless of the impact that it had on me. Not to mention, during the conduct of all this business, I maintained fabulous hair that exemplifies excellent grooming and confidence.