Something Else That Coincides with this is a conversation that Meeps and I had yesterday. He had an idea about setting up a committee and I'll just post his response for people to discuss because it affects when and how the outstandings awards are re-issued.
Sent Yesterday, 02:21 PM
idea for the out standing
3-5 people from different area's from ksi will go and discuss where all outstanding people will lie. all new nominations for outstanding will be Bronze to start off and the committee who will meet every other month will decide apon what status the outstanding member will stay at (Bronze-Platinum)
Sent Yesterday, 04:51 PM
also i got another idea for ya in the same context of the committee, what if we only inducted 1 person every 6 months into platinum out standing award, 2 every six months for gold, 3 for silver and 6 for bronze (obviously not those exact numbers but i would like to keep all these prestigious as possible)