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KSI LUMBERJACK started following Awoken Lucifer
KSI LUMBERJACK started following Rita
Health Equals Wellne joined the community
Mr Comeback started following Most Influential Person
[URL=] Dating for Sex. [/URL] [URL=] Best Adult Game[/URL]
KSI Asbjorn started following Question about Divisions
[URL=] Find Pretty Girls from your town for night [/URL] [URL=] Best Sex Game[/URL]
KSI Rogue 1 changed their profile photo
Gamertag: Shadowwolf#4715 @ShadowWolf10994 Award:Basic Training, Recruitment, Evidence: Hosted these with ksi tiger77 posted on the discord
For all New Member Certified award self nominations. To receive the award please copy and fill out the following - Gamertag/Forums name:ShadowWolf4715 Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Tiger hosted with robbies Person(s) who ran the workshop: TIGER and ROBBIES
KSI Robbies2002 started following ShadowWolf10994
ShadowWolf10994 joined the community
GenZKilla joined the community
Daiomeshi started following Anyone play Runescape 3?
[URL=] Dating for Sex. [/URL] [URL=] Best Adult Game[/URL]
Lion changed their profile photo
Lion joined the community
KSI Spider 7 changed their profile photo
Jsnow330 joined the community
KSI Nebula 7 started following KSI Nebula 7 Multi-Self Nom
Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Nebula 7 Award: Unceasing Subscriber, Everlasting Subscriber Any evidence if required: - subscribe for 37 months Any evidence if required: the file is to large, ill have to dm it. Profile Link if possible: KSI Nebula 7 - KSI Global (
fokusmok1984 started following Other Games - Looking For Group
[URL=] Dating for Sex. [/URL] [URL=] Best realistic adult game[/URL]
KannaKamui420 started following Military Members past and present
[URL=] Dating for Sex. [/URL] [URL=] Most realistic adult game[/URL]
Plastic Foods changed their profile photo
Sentiments Express P changed their profile photo
[URL=] Dating for Sex. [/URL] [URL=] Best realistic sex game[/URL]
[URL=] Dating for Sex. [/URL] [URL=] Best Porn Game[/URL]
[URL=] Unleash Your Desires. [/URL] [URL=] Best Sex Game[/URL]
[URL=] Dating for Sex. [/URL] [URL=] Best realistic adult game[/URL]
[URL=] Explore Intimate Connections with Like-Minded Individuals on Our Discreet Dating Platform [/URL] [URL=] Most realistic adult game[/URL]
[URL=] Explore Intimate Connections on Our Sex-Positive Dating Platform [/URL] [URL=] Best Adult Game[/URL]
[URL=] Explore Consensual Connections with Like-Minded Individuals on Our Honest Dating Platform [/URL] [URL=] Best Adult Game[/URL]
[URL=] Dating for Sex. [/URL] [URL=] Best Adult Game[/URL]
Name: KSI Rita 7 Link to Forums Account: Award-/-Achievement: KSI Hall of Fame Reason-/-Evidence: Screenshot attached below.
KSI Ridden reacted to a post in a topic: MULTI NOM Department Awards
[URL=] Dating for Sex. [/URL] [URL=] Most realistic adult game[/URL]
[URL=] Dating for Sex. [/URL]
Thunder 7C changed their profile photo
KSI X changed their profile photo
Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Jstn/ JstnonYT Award: New Member Evidence: KSI Akame 77 hosted workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Akame 77 hosted workshop
Award Squad Splitter Evidence Oblivion split to create Inferno Officers :KSI Azrael 7 @KSI Azrael 7 KSI Fearless @Fearless KSI Ridden 7 @KSI Ridden KSI Rebel 7 @KSI REBEL 7 KSI Viper @KSI Viper KSI MaddyRL20x @KSI xMaddyRL20x KSI Spleakz @Spleakz KSI S34NdaHawk @ksi s34ndahawk KSI Viking Bear @VikingBear KSI Rome 7 @KSI Rome KSI Stardust @KSI Stardust KSI Prophecy 7 @KSIPROPHECY7 Witness @KSI WldMama7 @KSI Slick 7
Award: Fall Classic 2024 KSI PandaLeafy @Bootasious KSI SCH1TZY @KSI SCH1TZY KSI HEFNER 7 @KSI HEFNER 7 KSI ZombieSlaya @KSI ZombieSlaya KSI Tiberius_04 @KSI Tiberius 194 KSI xHAWKx 7 @ KSI xHAWKx 7 KSI Magmakiller14 @Magmakiller14 KSIxLEGIONx7 @KSIxLEGIONx7 KSI Kirito#1525 @KSI Kirito1 DaHomieRonin @ThaHomieRonin KSI Hisoka @KSI Hisoka0 KSIDestroyer @Ksidestroyer1 KSI Tiger 77 @KSI Tiger 77 KSI MotoShadw 7 @KSI Shadw KSI MisVIBES @MisVIBES KSI 1ScarySOB @I Am 1ScaryS0B KSI Magix @magic_counch KSI WaviestSnow @KSI WaviestSnow KSI Jullz @Jullz KSI Tomdog @Tomdog KSI Harmony @HarmonySkittles KSI Assault1 @assaultman1 KSI Eternal @EternalHavoc KSI Dragon86 @KSI Dragon86 GunxVoidGrim @GunXGundamX RemiTheHusky @KSI Rebel54 KSI xDudu @KSI xDudu KSIChronicles14k @Chronicles14k KSI ZER0trigg3r @KSI ZER0TRIGG3R KSI Driftish @KSI DRIFTISH KSI Squish @Ksi Squish KSI Cubone @KSI Robbies2002 KSI DABSTER OG @Ronnie KSI DrtyxSushi @KSI DrtyxSushi JuicyGoose @JuicyGoose KSI Swifty @KSI xChezzy KSI Smileyyy @SmileyyyBoo KSI Kaos @Surf spartan KSI Celebi @KSI Celebi KSI Felicia @KSI Felicia KSI Bunny @BluBunny222 KSI Fidelity @KSI Downish Malfidelity @Malfidelity Hufflepuff#601 @Anime Dreamgirl2.0 KSI TangyAces @TangyAces KSI xGAMBIT @KSI xGAMBIT KSI Azrael 7 @KSI Azrael 7 KSI Nytss @Nytyss Stardust @KSI Stardust KSI Aequitas @TheJakeGilman KSI Fats Mcgee @KSI Fats McGee KSI Paradox @Loyalty Paradox KSIPROPHECY7 @KSIPROPHECY7 Jewels @KSI Jewels 7 KSI Tea 7 @KSI Tea 7 KSI REBEL 7 @KSI REBEL 7 Delta 38 @Delta 38 KSI Swag 77 @KSI Swag 77 KSI ZBOSS2803 @KSI ZBOSS2803 KSI Horror @KSI OPTIC KSI Everest @KSI Everest KSI Sub 7 @KSI Sub 7 KSINOTBATMAN @KSINOTBATMAN KSI Ridden 7 @KSI Ridden KSI Slick 7 @KSI Slick 7 KSI Fearless @KSI Fearless... KSI Toasty @Daddytoasty KSI Spleakz @Spleakz KSI FleeTheScene @KSI FleeTheScene KSIMrsSprinks @Mrs Sprinks KSI S34NdaHawk @ksi s34ndahawk KSI VikingBear @VikingBear KSI Atom 7 @KSI Atom 7 KSI Akame 77 @KSI Akame 77 dlolw @dlolw KSI IMPyyy VII @Impy KSI Soap 7 @KSI Soap 7 KSI DarkAngel 7 @KSI DarkAngeI 7 KSI luci lux 7 @ Lucifer KSI Alpha01 @KSI Alpha01 KSIxAsuma 77 @KSIxAsuma 77 KSI CyborgNinja @KSICyborgNinja KSI CR4ZYWNJ @KSI CR4ZYWNJ K1llerJr @K1llerJuni0r KSI Cursed @KSICursed KSI DIO @KSI DIO_BRANDO KSI Zillah @KSI Zillah Praise Lycan @ksi Lycans KSI sypher PK 7 @KSIALISTAIR KSI Hatred @KSI Hatrid KSI Daenerys @KSI Hybridd KSI MAJORA @KSI Majora KSI Insanxty @Ksi Insanxty KSI DEXX @KSI DEXXX RareGHOST @RareGHOST KSI Capsfan @KSi Capsfan KSI WldMama7 @KSI WldMama7 KSI Bubbles2 @KSI Bubbles2 KSIxFryed420 @KSIxFryed420 CIVDIV0420 @lcplskinn djbabyboi79 @Djbabyboi79 KSIxREAPER @KSI.REAPER KSIKingcold @KSIkingcold KSI Beatbox @KSI Fire38 VENM VII @VENM VII TheD3v1L @KSI D3V1L 7 baddog1710 @ksi badbog KSI ROGUE WOLF @KSI R0GUEW0LF KSI DropShot#303 @DropShot4684 KSI Dragon @FivesCT8176 KSI Drogo912 @KSI DROGO912 Reasoning: All members listed above had participated in the Discord Poll for Fall Classic 2024.