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About KSI EVOx

  • Birthday 06/01/1998

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  • Location
    Maine USA
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  • Division
    Dark Legion
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    KSI EVOx

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  1. Lieutenant Gamertag- KSI MsVigilante (Desolate LS 2nd LT.) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/23612-lea-monique/ Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI MsVigilante is a great leader, at game nights and meetings she constantly keeps people in order and when she does this she make sure no one gets mad, she just does it in a great way. This past month she has pulled in over 7 recruits, has been training people constantly and she does everything she can to benefit the squad. She is a very respected person and she deserves this award.
  2. I witness KSI MsVigilante for this award because she always looks out for other people and she cares about what other people think, she assists people by making them a better leader within KSI. She also always helps people with questions asked and mentors people to assist them on coming up the ranks.
  3. Name: (Fifth Kazekage-/-Desolate-/-Last Strike) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17584-fifth-kazekage/ Award-/-Achievement: (Forums Addict, wasted life, mad max) Reason-/-Evidence: he has over 2000 posts he is the richest member on the forums and his time increases each and every day. He wastes his life on the forums and he dealt with a lot over time he's differently a mad max.
  4. Co-Division Leader Gamertag: KSI Sinister 7(Last Strike) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8993-sinister-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this: The reason why sinister deserves this is because he is great at his job in many different ways. He shows dedication each and everyday one of the things he does so well at is sitting down with every squad in LS and has workshops to help the squads exceed to the best of their abilities. He works hard making the squads better and maybe one day be able to spilt the division cause he works so hard. General Gamertag: KSI Kazekage(Desolate LS) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17584-fifth-kazekage/ Reasoning why the deserve this- This Gen is really good at his job but he exceeds at it to make sure everything is very in order. He runs one of the most active squads with over 18 people at meetings and game nights and this is cause of him, he motivates people each and everyday to stay active with KSI to show that his squad is the best it can be. Another thing he does that makes him stand out is his forums activity he's on their everyday in the top 15 posters and all of his posts are content. He is just so amazing at what he does and deffintly derives this award. LT Gamertag- KSI Vilgilante(Desolate LS) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/23245-vigilante/ Reasoning why they deserve - He deserves this award because he trained 7 people in the past 2 weeks he shows future potential as a leader in KSI by mentoring people and leading people in the right direction. He also runs the welcoming committee and does a fantastic job doing it and shows he's a great leader and has a lot of future potential.
  5. Congrats to everyone u all earned ur award!!
  6. The video game music in FIFA 14 is the coolest music ever. It has lots of great songs and also is a pretty great game but anyone's FIFA 14 has great music and has many different songs that are good.
  7. The best band ever is definitely the Beatles. They were such a classic band that had some of the greatest songs of all time
  8. Ya Man U are the one and only Vilgilante it's yours man
  9. Who wants to challenge the good and beast desolate team Captain: KSI EVOx Moderator: KSI Vigilante Members: KSI EVOx KSI DAEDERA KSIxKINGxJAMES KSI Vilgilante Vinyl TacKnife KSI AssassinXx KSI CH4OS KSI DJ Pon3
  10. General-KSI Kazekage DESOLATE LS General http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17584-shivahs-gyarados/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Kaze deserves this for many reasons, he does the things the general is supposed to do but he goes above and beyond with his position as the general; for example I go to other game nights and I see only a couple squad members their but when I go to his game night I see that his entire lobby is filled with members from the squad, he provides the most active squad I have ever seen another reason kaze deserves the award is because he educates his officers on how they can be the best they can be and succeed, kaze continues to put lots of effort to this so it can run and stay healthy.
  11. Ksi is great so far!

  12. Welcome to the forums KSI EVOx :)

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