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Retired last won the day on December 25 2016

Retired had the most liked content!

About Retired

  • Birthday 07/25/1993

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  1. Some shit from the Undertale universe. Tobyfox made a new game with banging music https://youtu.be/qzBO0ZpgfRw
  2. RichaadEB has some of the best VGM covers on YT, check him out
  3. Etch your legacy into history. Let your actions speak for you, as your words will fade into the sea of noise.

  4. Getting back into Feint and some other DnB
  5. love you miss you

    1. Retired


      Me love you long time

    2. Impy


      me so ornery 

  6. First Pokemon game I ever played, and has a very good soundtrack at that. This remix of the Kanto gym leader theme from gen 1 has the makings of a chiptune masterpiece and is always a pleasure to revisit.
  7. Back from the dead to post a cool thing. Riiot has gone down to the ends of hell and back to show that he is not only one of the most productive and effective front end forum staff that this site has seen, but one of the most innovative as well. Back in September of 2012 I joined the AAP as my first Web-Ops department, and this fine fellow just so happened to be running it. He had so many things in place to ensure the effectiveness of the team and bringing on new members into that effective beast. The man is a living encyclopedia of information that can assist you on the processes of the department, to even the history of it. In 2013 him and myself co-founded the divisional milestone program as well, giving the divisions as a whole an opportunity to earn recognition from the department. From a staff side of things, he’s been assisting with the forums and the mod staff for as long as I can remember. Heck, he was a senior mod when I joined the team, and it doesn’t surprise me that he’s taking on the admin role so well now. His man man has been a driving, motivating force in web ops for a long time to people like myself and other staff. Weare able to do better because of his work ethic and ideas on how to improve each day. He’s also a legend, so yeah.
  8. You still need to get yourself a blue box. doc......


  9. Name: KSI Doctor 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/4993-ksi-doctor-7/ Awards/Achievements: Spammer, Devoted Reasons: Spammer: Post count is above required minimum amount Devoted: I changed my gamertag on June 12th, 2012. 3 days after my recruitment into FN.
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